
Monday, September 30, 2019

Is the Earth large or small? Essay

Any information concerning the size of the earth is likely to refers to this aspect its description within the context of relativity. As one of the planets in the solar system, the earth is large relative to its planetary counterparts. It is the largest and most massive of the terrestrial planets (which include Mars, Venus, and Mercury) within the solar system. In addition, the earth is also denser than the other planets within its solar system. However, compared with the non-terrestrial planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune) the earth is very small. In comparison with the sun, the earth is tiny. The mass of the earth is 5. 9736 X 1024 kg. This, compared with the mass of the sun is 1. 99 X 1030 kg, which is 332,946 times that of the earth. On the size scales within the solar system, therefore, the earth might be considered medium sized. However, since the sun is quite miniscule compared to other stars and to the physical bodies within and beyond the galaxy, the sizes of the earth on a universal scale approaches the infinitesimal. 2. What are the major differences between parallels and meridians? Parallels or latitudes differ from meridians primarily in the directions in which they run. While parallels always run east-west, meridians run north-south in a way that allows each to cut (cross) each parallel at a different angle. This is because meridians all run through the axes of the earth, and this ensures that they all converge upon the poles. The parallels or latitudes run parallel to each other, and this ensures that they never meet each other in their journeys around the earth. One effect that this difference (in parallelism) has on the two types of lines is that while parallels are always equidistant from the equator and poles at every point on its circumference, meridians change their distances from each other the closer or further away they are from the poles. Therefore, at the equator, the distance between any two given meridian will always be greater than at any other latitude on the earth. 3. Why are vertical rays of the Sun never experienced poleward on the tropic lines? The sun’s vertical rays are experienced only between 23. 5oN and 23. 5oS primarily as a result of the tilt of the earth’s axis. This tilt measures 23. 5 degrees, so as the earth revolves around the sun, its poles tilt toward or away from the sun at this angle. During the summers (which alternate between opposing parts of the year in for the northern and southern hemispheres), the poles are tilted toward the sun. However, the angle this causes the earth to make with the sun ensures that the angles of the sun-rays hitting the earth are less than the 90 degrees which would constitute a direct hit. Because of this tilt, the rays of the sun are sometimes able to shine directly on such parts of the earth that always between the latitudes that remain in the direct path of the rays after the 23. 5o tilt. The further north or south of these latitudes one goes, the less of a direct contact the earth makes with the sun’s rays. In fact, the extreme of this is that very close to the poles at certain times of the year, the sun’s light is not seen at all. 4. On which day of the year do the vertical rays of the Sun strike the farthest north of the Equator? What is the latitude? Why? The days on which the sun’s vertical rays hit the earth at the angle farthest from the equator is approximately December 22. This is known as the Winter Solstice, and describes the time when the Northern Hemisphere experiences its shortest daytime period (or longest night-time period). The latitude at which this occurs is the 23. 5oN, which represents the latitude of the Tropic of Cancer. This occurs primarily because of the earth’s axial tilt, which is about 23 degrees toward or away from the sun. At the time of the Northern Hemisphere’s Winter Solstice, the earth is tilted away from the sun, yet the sun’s direction from the earth at that time compensates for that tilt so that its rays hit at the spot farthest north that is possible at any given time. This â€Å"spot† occurs at 23o north of the equator. 5. Explain the implications of the statement, ‘No map is totally accurate. ’ According to mapping standards held by the Unites States (and likely by other countries), maps have to maintain accuracy within a given scale. For example, for scales where one (1) inch on the map represents 24,000 inches on land (or sea), the inaccuracy level of the map should not exceed 1/50th of an inch in more than 10% of the points (USGS). These standards are based upon the premise or understanding that no map can be completely accurate. However, what this means is that at minute scales on the ground or sea, it becomes impossible to locate things with a large degree of accuracy. This can be seen more clearly when it is known that 1/50th of an inch on a 1:24,000 scale represents 40 feet (USGS). Therefore, in important expeditions that require map use, a user may expect to be ignorant concerning the exact location of a designated point within at least a 40-foot radius. 6. A globe can portray Earths surface more accurately than a map, but globes are rarely used. Why? Globes are more accurate than maps because, while the map distorts the latitude lines, the shapes of its landmasses and other features, these are kept in true to form on globes. However, globes are rarely used because of their three-dimensional natures that make them more difficult to navigate than two-dimensional maps. The shapes made by the intersection of parallels and meridians are also less like simple geometrical shapes. Because of the way in which the latitude lines are portrayed on maps (as vertical and parallel, thereby creating the illusion of squares) these are usually more suited to calculations done by the lay person or navigator. These parallel latitudes represent not real latitude lines but what has been termed loxodromes (also known as rhumb lines). These rhumb lines actually represent the constant bearing of a compass and calculations using these lines make it easier for navigators to determine the direction of their courses (Rosenberg). Maps are also more intuitively like humans view the surface of the earth. From our perspective, it does not appear to be a sphere, but a large expansive area. Therefore, maps accord more to our everyday experience and are easier for humans to translate. 7. Distinguish between GPS and GIS. Provide ways in which these tools can be useful to physical geographers. The Global Positioning System or GPS is a system that facilitates the location of objects or areas on or around the earth based on a group of satellites which have been launched into the earth’s orbit at about 11,000 miles (Corvallis). This differs from a GIS, which is a Geographical Information System—a database that holds the location of a large number of locations on the earth. The difference between the two lies in that while the GPS is the system for mapping an object, the GIS is the actual object that whose position is being mapped. The GPS system is of immense importance because of the level of accuracy it provides whether on the scales required by navigators or those required for geodesic positioning (ISSA). GIS allows geographers to be able to know, map, and locate specific regions or objects on the earths surface. It also allows them to chart paths from one location to the next by accurately calculating vectors that denote the relative distances and directions between given locations. The GPS continually expands the data available by embodying the technology that allows new places to be located and pin-pointed. Works Cited Corvallis. â€Å"Introdiction to the Global Positioning System for GIS or TRAVERSE. † CMTINC. com.Corvallis, OR: Corvallis Microtechnology Incorporated. http://www. cmtinc. com/gpsbook/index. htm ISSA. â€Å"The Global Information System. † The International Strategic Studies Association. 2004. http://128. 121. 186. 47/ISSA/gis/index. htm Rosenberg, Matt. T. â€Å"Peters Map vs. Mercator Map. † About Geography. New York: New York Times Company. http://geography. about. com/library/weekly/aa030201b. htm USGS. â€Å"Map Accuracy Standards. † United States Geographical Survey. Reston: U. S. Department of the Interior. 1999. http://erg. usgs. gov/isb/pubs/factsheets/fs17199. html

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Roles of Identity in Society

The Roles of Identity in Society Many would argue that social justice is being served when someone says â€Å"we are all the same under the skin†. We are not all the same under the skin. Within us are our own senses of identity, constructed by our familiar discourses, the physical environment and its embedded culture, and our individual differences. Our sense of identity accounts for our perceptions of ourselves and how we are positioned by others in terms of culture, tradition, rituals, race, family, religion and education (Allen, 2004). Our identities affect our life chances through our positions in society, the access we have to power, status, education, and wealth (Allen, 2004). Examining our own identities gives us insight into the role identity plays in life and society and therefore some understanding of the impact that the identities of others has for them on their life choices (Austin, 2005). This essay will examine the importance of the search for identity, and the desire to reconcile those identities with society’s expectations, for the narrator in the novel by McDonald and Pryor (1999), ‘The Binna Binna Man’. The journey of this character will be positioned against my own life’s story as I attempt to compare the roles our identities have played in positioning us as members of Australian society. The narrator in The Binna Binna Man is a character who has a very secure sense of his own identity. He has a sound knowledge of his spiritual heritage, his people’s traditions and the importance the strength of his identity has for him and for his people. He seems perplexed by the idea that his cousin Shandell is â€Å"†¦living different from all that stuff’ (McDonald & Pryor, 1999, pg 17). He is reminded by his â€Å"girragundji† (a guide for life sent by his ancestors) that the way to stay strong and avoid getting lost is to have faith in his spirituality and his identity (McDonald, et al. , 1999). This is proven to him when he almost follows Shandell down the path to self-destruction. The Binna Binna Man, their beliefs, bring them both back to the strength they gain from knowing that they are Aboriginal Australians, with a wealth of culture, history, knowledge, and skills. Unfortunately their people bear the scars of that wealth being devalued and misunderstood by the Anglo Australian hegemonic society. This is demonstrated through the sadness they carry and the way they feel how many of their people they have lost. The narrator and his family have to scrape together the means to travel out of the community they live in to be able to participate in their cultural rituals of grief and burial because they are not traditions easily accessible to them in Australian society. The narrator does not carry around the invisible knapsack of rights and power described by McIntosh (1988) that gives him access to the ability to carry out the roles of his identity. Rather, he realizes the struggle he has ahead of him, to keep the strength of his identity and to be able to survive life and society with it proudly intact. He can see the strength of his people, but he can also see their struggle (McDonald et al, 1999). As noted in McDonald (2004) Australian Indigenous youth battle on a daily basis with the pressures their identities generate such as racism, poverty, the hegemonic culture of school, and having English as a second language, while trying to maintain the roles expected of them from their Indigenous cultures. It is an enormously demanding and frustrating battle for these youth to get through their daily lives intact, let alone being able to achieve well in either world. The narrator is struggling with his identity as an Aboriginal youth in Australian society and is trying to emerge from a history of oppression and denial. He has not inherited wealth from his parents or the social and cultural capital necessary to be able to identify with the hidden curriculum of the education system (Allen, 2004). His family has only relatively recently emerged from a period of oppression under The Aboriginal Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act 1897 (Genever, 1992) where the Indigenous people of Australia were denied, by the Australian Government, the right to own anything, freedom of movement, the right to practice their cultural traditions, or the right to the education required to â€Å"participate as responsible citizens† (Genever, 1992). He is caught in Australian society, within his cultural boundaries â€Å"†¦(the objective presence of cultural difference)† as discussed in McDonald’s paper on ‘Forms of Social Justice’ (2004). In no way is he served by social justice by being given the same chances I was, under the pretext of â€Å"treating us all the same†, as though we share a common identity. The development of my identity has benefited from what McIntosh (1988) terms â€Å"unearned privilege†. The life choices and chances I have, I have inherited, not struggled or worked for. I am fortunate to have a very strong family support structure within my immediate family and my extended family. Traditionally, as a family, we celebrate birthdays, special events and seek advice from one another as needed. There is a strong sense of respect for elders in my family and the younger generation bears responsibility for their well-being. Predominantly, my family follows the Catholic religion and my values and beliefs reflect this. Consequently, I have developed a strong sense of self worth through the influence of my family and their cultural practices. I am a third generation Australian. My family was middle class and although not overly wealthy in terms of material belongings I can see that my life was rich in opportunities and choices that the narrator was not afforded. I was born into an environment that set me up to be able to succeed at school. English is my first language and I speak it well enough to succeed at school and to be accepted into university. I am immersed in a society where the traditions, customs, practices and language of my heritage surround me and dominate all other identities. The practices and language used by my family were consistent with those of the schools I attended, where the autonomy and independence encouraged in Indigenous children like the narrator may have been misinterpreted and devalued as neglect (Malin, 1990). I did, however, experience a brief time in my schooling that bore a stark contrast to that described above. When I was nine years old, I attended a school in Hawaii for twelve months and for the first time in my life was part of a minority group where my language, culture and experiences were not valued by the students or the teacher. I was never asked to share anything about myself or my life in Australia and was the victim of some ridicule from my peers because I lacked knowledge of, and a skill for playing, baseball. I was subjected to racist remarks about the colour of my skin and was never supported or really even acknowledged by my teacher. As a class, we were required to write a paper detailing the history of American presidents which I found extremely difficult. The exercise held no meaning for me and I was unable to connect with it on the same level that my American peers did. My developing experience as a pre-service teacher now allows me to see the value that would have come from the teacher asking me to write my paper on the history of Australian Prime Ministers, and to share that with my teacher and the class. This would have been an opportunity for the teacher to encourage a rich, authentic learning experience for me and for my American classmates – a sharing and valuing of knowledge and cultures and an opportunity to break down some of the cultural barriers that were present within the classroom and the school. I strongly believe that education is the key to success in society and that teachers hold powerful positions with regard to recognizing and valuing the diverse groups in their classrooms. My development as a pre-service teacher depends on an ongoing commitment to value and support every student in my classroom by understanding their cultures and how their identities shift and change, have different importance amongst peers, family, and the community. I will continue to make myself aware of the role identity plays in shaping our self perceptions and, therefore, our life chances. The education system has, in the past, failed certain groups and continues to reproduce social disparities, prejudices, conditioning and spirals of failure for these groups (Keefe & Carrington, 2007). As teachers, we should not see the cultural differences of our students as excuses or reasons for students to fail. Rather, we need to adapt our teaching practices and find ways to give them access to education and opportunities. Students need to be taught to view the world, themselves and others critically in order to recognize and discontinue the perpetuation of social inequities in education and other institutions. If teachers can work towards identifying the inadequacies in teacher service, they begin to address the needs of disadvantaged groups ensuring equitable access to education, as is every student’s right. As I raise my own child and instill in him the same practices, language and culture as my family did for me, I am aware I am equipping him with that â€Å"invisible knapsack† that McIntosh (1988) writes about. I am aware that I am sending him out into a world where he does not have to carry his identity around with him like a weight around his neck, restricting him access to education, his choices, his rights and responsibilities. I do hope however as I continue to grow and learn, that I instill in him the ability to understand ‘identity’ and what that means for him and for others. As he grows and learns he will understand that if he were to be treated â€Å"the same† as many of the minority groups he lives amongst, that he too would have to struggle to maintain his identity, just like the narrator. I know that his identity will provide him with more than his share of opportunities and choices. It is clear that various cultural and traditional factors shape our unique identities. Teachers have a responsibility to recognize and value the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and knowledge that their students bring to the classroom, and to ensure that pedagogies incorporate a variety of styles to cater for this diversity. Researching this topic and reflecting on my own experiences has been a valuable exercise that will influence my teaching philosophy and the way I view identity and diversity. Compiling this essay brought back virtually forgotten memories of events I myself encountered during my schooling when I experienced a situation akin to those described by the narrator. I strongly believe that our education system must implement inclusive curriculum programs that value all cultural identities. This will ensure that all students receive educational opportunities and the chance to develop self respect and positive dispositions towards learning, thus enhancing life chances and empowering them to succeed. . References: Allen, J. (2004). Sociology of Education: Possibilities and Practices. (3rd Ed). Southbank, VIC: Social Science Press. Austin, J. (Ed. ). (2005). Culture and Identity (2nd ed. , pp 139-154). Sydney: Pearson Education Australia. Genever, T. (1992). Black and Blue. Aboriginal-Police Relations in Far North Queensland During The Currency of The Aboriginals Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act 1893 – 1939. Unpublished Honours Thesis, JCU, Tsv. Keefe, M. , & Carrington, S. (Eds. ). (2007). Schools and Diversity (2nd ed. , pp 108 – 127). Sydney: Pearson Education Australia. McDonald, H. , (2004). Forms of social justice. Notes prepared for teacher education students. Townsville: James Cook University. McDonald, H. , (2004). Supporting Indigenous students as â€Å"smart, not good† knowers and learners: The practices of two teachers. Paper adapted for exclusive use of students enrolled in ED2990 and ED3290 at James Cook University. McDonald, M. , & Pryor, B. M. , (1999). The binna binna man. Crows Nest. NSW: Allen & Unwin. McIntosh, P. (1988). White privilege: unpacking the invisible knapsack. Available from http://seamonkey. ed. asu. edu/~mcisaac/emc598ge/Unpacking. html (Accessed 17 September 2008). Malin , M. (1990). â€Å"Why is life so hard for Aboriginal students in urban classrooms? † The Aboriginal Child at School, 18 (1), 9-29.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business overview of British American Tobacco

Business overview of British American Tobacco British American Tobacco (BAT) is the world’s second largest tobacco group by global market share. BAT produces cigarettes demanded by one-eighth of the world’s one billion adult smokers and this particular company is holding robust market position in each of their regions. Besides that, BAT has leadership in more than 50 markets. Based on last year’s performances (2009), BAT’s subsidiaries enabled the worldwide government to gather more than  £26 billion a year in taxes, including excise duty on their products which total up to almost nine times the Group’s profit after tax. BAT, which was founded in 1902, has existed as a significant global presence for over 100 years. By 1912, the company had become one of the world’s top dozen companies by market capitalization. This company works with thousands of tobacco farmers worldwide, producing some 724 billion cigarettes through 50 cigarette factories over 41 countries. The company employs more than 600,000 people worldwide. BAT’s workforce is of multi-cultural and they have devolved structure, with each local company having wide freedom of action and responsibility for their own operations. Within a framework of principles, standards, policies, strategies and delegated authorities, decisions are made as close as possible to the local stakeholders of each business. BAT operates according to responsibility seeing that their products pose risks to health. The business stresses on managed responsibility as it is integral to their strategy and through dialogue with their stakeholders, they are working towards commercial objectives in ways consistent with changing expectations of a modern tobacco business. This international tobacco group is the only group with a significant interest in tobacco leaf growing. Their companies run leaf programmes providing direct agronomy support to farmers, covering all aspects of crop production and environmental best practice. In 2009, the group purchased about 400,000 tonnes of tobacco leaves, grown by more than 250,000 farmers. BAT ensures the employees’ welfare. The company has specially carried out a global employee opinion survey also known as â€Å"Your Voice† to give them a secure and confidential way to voice their opinion about working at British American Tobacco. BAT’s business starts with their consumers and brands. The company focuses more on meeting preferences of adults who have chosen to consume tobacco and differentiating their brands from their competitors rather than encouraging people to start smoking or to smoke more. The business’ portfolio of more than 250 brands is based on distinct ‘must-win’ consumer segments which are: international, premium, lights and adult smokers aged below 30. ‘Dunhill’, ‘Kent’, ‘Lucky Strike’ and ‘Pall Mall’ are the four Global Drive Brands which cover the premium and value for money price segments. They grew by 4 per cent in 2009 (8 billion more cigarettes). The business is also increasing the profile of Vogue in the super premium segment and Viceroy, a leading low price international brand besides developing their Global Drive Brands. The growth of their brands is driven by innovation ranging from filters to flavours and packaging to cigarette formats. The business provides a mix of brand balanced between premium, mid-price and low-price. Besides that, the business applies the four managerial functions in its organization management; planning, organizing, leading and controlling. We have also interviewed a manager of British American Tobacco Singapore for further understanding.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Reforms in progressive era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reforms in progressive era - Essay Example People in progressivism believed that problems within the society such as violence, poverty, racism, poor health, class warfare, and greed could be addressed through the provision of a safer environment, good education, honest government, and efficient workplace. Progressives were people living in cities, had a college education, and were of the idea that the government could be an agent of change (Schlesinger, 2003). Key reforms One of the areas that were of target for reforms by the progressives was the direct or indirect impacts of the high wave of immigration and industrialization in the 19th century. From 1900 to 1910, about 8.8 million immigrants entered the US, many of whom were from regions, religions, and ethnic groups that were different from American immigrants from Western Europe. Those coming from southern Europe offered cheap labor that supported the rapid growing industries and were in their high numbers in densely populated urban areas. Politicians and political parti es started to target these immigrants to pursue their own goals. On the other hand, the poor health care, housing, and sanitation, as well as the increased use of child labor in factories and homes became a focus for reformers (Schlesinger, 2003). ... As a result of this, legislation establishing minimum safety and housing standards were introduced (Schlesinger, 2003). One of the most dominant people of the progressive era was Theodore Roosevelt. He is on record for bringing reforms that changed people’s welfare and the economy at large. One such reform is the expansion government powers within the economy by creating new power for organized labor to manage and exert leverage against employers. By doing so, Roosevelt played direct roles in ending labor disputes, and in some occasions threatened to use the army to settle disputes between coal mine owners and miners (Schlesinger, 2003). The new deal The new deal was an idea created by Roosevelt when he started expanding the government in order to come up with institutions that would protect different groups of citizens such as farmers and workers. This was mainly to protect people from the great depression and material crisis by enabling citizens to question the powers of cor porations. In doing so, Roosevelt strengthened the executive, influenced political formation and defined agendas for future political debates (Schlesinger, 2003). Reform in the new deal Social security Act This was a legislative act, which formed social security system in the US. The act was signed into law by Roosevelt in 1935, and it created a social insurance program meant to pay retired works aged 65 years or older some income after retirement. The act formed a system of insurance for the unemployed, disabled and the aged based on the employer and employee contributions. Much of the funding came from taxes existing workers (Schlesinger, 2003). Tennessee valley authority This is a federally owned corporation

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Crown vs Dhanani Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Crown vs Dhanani - Essay Example Courtroom Number and Name of the Judge: The courtroom number was 308 and the presiding judge was R. Low. Level of Court: The trial took place on what is a provincial court level. Facts: The defendant, Mr Ayaz Dhanani, was convicted of fraud as well as breach of his prior conditional sentencing. What transpired was that Mr Ayaz Dhanani sought to have his house refurbished and subsequently sought out a furniture company to accomplish this task. The issue was further complicated when the cheque that Mr Ayaz Dhanani wrote to the furntire company bounced due to insufficient funds available in his account. For writing a bad cheque, Mr Ayaz Dhanani was arraigned and served a brief period of time in jail. After which, he was released on a conditional sentence. During the period of his conditional sentence, Mr Ayaz Dhanani was found by authorities at the Shangri-La hotel. When apprehended, Mr Ayaz Dhanani was consuming large quantities of expensive liquors and had a very large sum of cash on his person as well as in the hotel’s vault. He was subsequently taken into custody and pleaded guilty to all charges. Procedural History: Mr Ayaz Dhanani (the defendant) was subsequently convicted of fraud and sentenced to serve jail time. Once he was released from detention, his conditional sentence placed restrictions on his mobility and certain freedoms. Due to the fact that he flagrantly violated these conditions, he violated his conditional release and was subsequently taken back into police custody. Issues: Did Mr Ayaz Dhanani violate his conditional sentencing? Decision: Mr Ayaz Dhanani was found guilty of all charges and sentenced to one day in prison. In addition to this jail time, the court also ordered Mr. Ayaz Dhanani to perform an unspecified amount of community service. Reasons: Judge R. Low’s decision was subsequently based on the following two reasons. 1) Mr Dhanani did not seem to appreciate the importance and gravity of the conditional sentence which he was given and was â€Å"living large† in the face of it. 2) Mr Dhanani did not seem to grasp the seriousness of his crime as it related to what he had done to his parents. The argument that the crown prosecutor pursued with relation to this case hinged upon the fact that Mr Ayaz Dhanani was found to be drinking alcohol that was in excess of $60 dollars per glass. At the same time, he was staying in what could only be deemed a luxury hotel. In addition to violating the terms of his conditional release, Mr Dhanani was in personal possession of a very large sum of sequentially numbered US bills ($12,000.00). Thus this provided even further evidence of a breach of his conditional sentencing. Likewise, the argument that the prosecution eloquently made was that due to the fact that Mr Ayaz Dhanani’s parents had already been forced to sell their house in order to pay for the debts incurred by their son, the money that was found in the hotel vault of the Shangri-la should h ave immediately found its way back into the hands of his parents. The fact that this did not occur coupled with the fact that Mr Ayaz Dhanani was apprehended while â€Å"living large† was yet another proof that the good faith conditional release was not respected by him. The judge further stated that due to the lack of lessons learned coupled with his â€Å"unwillingness to be mature†, the court was left no choice but to put him into custody. The defence was left to argue, rather weakly one might add, that the result of the lavish accommodations and drinks that Mr Dhanani was enjoying were the result of his female friend who was paying for these. Furthermore, the defense argued that the money that was found in the safe was not a pertinent legal concern. Ratio: Specific: A conditional senten

American Lit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

American Lit - Essay Example It then narrows down to the nations within that continent. Furthermore, it becomes more specific which is the battlefield and finally it talks of a specific ground or position. Then from that specific position, it goes to a much broader scope, larger than the continent – the world. Once again it centers on the specific nation, then back to the larger position which is the earth, another name for the world. The presentation of geography is deductive, starting from the broader position then gradually focusing on its smaller components until it points to the specific position they (speaker and audience) are in. From that specific position it goes to the largest dominion that is the world and emphasizing the position of that specific nation in the largest scope, the earth. It can be illustrated as a number of circles within a circle, beginning with a big circle then into diminishing diameters or dimensions of circles within that circle. From among the small circles stands out one small circle which is the nation that the speaker is talking about. This is a good way of stressing and highlighting one’s point. It sort of compares and contrasts the degree of the importance of each position presented. This use of emphasis in Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is indeed very effective. At first sight, without first reading the story, I guessed that the main character is Bartleby because the title of the story is his name. However, when I began to read the short story I became confused whether it is really Bartleby because there was so little known about him that the narrator has stated: â€Å"I believe that no material exist, for a full and satisfactory biography of this man† and that â€Å"Bartleby was one of those beings of whom nothing is ascertainable, except from the original sources, and, in his case, those are very small.† My doubts about Bartleby as the main character even increased as I continued to read

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Personal statement for PHD admission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal statement for PHD admission - Essay Example Likewise, my Bachelor’s degree represented a total GPA of 3.13; with a major in Computer Engineering. Pior diplomas and associate’s degrees were earned in Computer Networking Techniques and Mechanical Technology; with respective GPAs in excess of 3.7. As can be noted from this cursory examination of prior scholarship, my interests in this field have not come to me recently; instead, they have been the result of a lifelong interest in science and technology; as well as an overarching interest in how efficiency can be achieved and greater usefulness represented to broader humanity from existing and newly developed technologies. As I am currently within my very last semester of my Master’s program, I am only taking one course at the current time; ECE602. As such, with all of my available free time devoted towards achieving the highest grades possible within this particular course, I am confident that my GPA will increase from the point that has been listed currently. A further rational for seeking to apply for this Ph.D. program is contingent upon the fact that I have a great deal of familiarity working with Professor Chien; an individual who has proved instrumental in guiding me throughout my graduate work thus far. Upon asking him as to whether or not he would work with me as a potential graduate student, Professor Chien readily agreed. This is partially due to the fact that I have had a long working relationship with him over the course of ECE471, ECE487, and ECE488; all of which I served as a TA for him. Furthermore, my working relationship with Professor Chien extends beyond merely working as a TA; as last summer Professor Chien inquired as to my availability for TASI (Transportation Active Safety Institute). While working on this project, I worked closely with both Professor Chien and stakeholders within Toyota as we worked to develop a car safety project that utilized distance sensors as a means of effecting safety

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Contributions of Government to the Media Environment in Canada Essay

The Contributions of Government to the Media Environment in Canada - Essay Example In this manner, the news media decide not only how events are presented, but also how these events become applicable to the community. Currently, the media business is in a state of turmoil. The Internet, for example, is revolutionizing the way distributed network communication works and has been, at times, disruptive to news media’s traditional content. Stakeholders involved in shaping the media environment are ground level journalists who capture and narrate local and international stories, media owners who work on production and the financial aspects of news-making. In the public sector is the government who is responsible for using media to build peaceful social communities. This section discusses the roles that these stakeholders play in Canada’s media environment. In Canada, the federal and provincial governments have turned to mass media to assist develop and convey a sense of harmony and identity to join together a large and disparate nation. As the society has become more complex, media have played a larger role in carrying political information, opinions, and values to the population. The importance of media to policymaking has grown over the last century. For instance, over the years, the Canadian government has enacted measures to support fragmented cultural industries. The public broadcaster, the CBC, was founded in 1936 to deliver a national broadcasting service and has been the key broadcaster of budget and program development. However, public broadcasting, which traditionally has played a pivotal role in Canadian media, has been weakened to the point where regional concerns are virtually disregarded and its national future is in question.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Human resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Human resource - Essay Example In order to deal with these influences, it is essential for managers to develop their internal structures and employees’ behaviors to enable them handle the external forces. The environment in which an organization operates in is responsible for organizational activities and their eventual outcomes. This paper evaluates the effects of external factors on Human Resource Planning (Rothwell and Kazanas, 2003, P.176). Economic uncertainty Economic factors have a direct effect on recruitment, staffing and rewards that employers can give to their workers. The reason is that demand and supply law holds that when supply of labor is high, employers can obtain labour at lower prices, and when demand exceeds supply, and then employers have to pay higher wages and benefits. In instances where a country’s economy is growing at a positive rate, companies register high demand for their goods and services. In order to cope with such demand, organizations recruit more labor force, event ually lowering the rate of unemployment. When there is low level unemployment, the need for professional workers increases. This necessitates for organizations to enhance their employee retention and training strategies. When the economy is growing at a negative rate, demand for products and services reduces, and firms have to grapple with that in two ways. One option is laying off some workers, or lowering the amount of wages and benefits for in a bid to retain existing employees. Unemployment rates increase and employers are overwhelmed with applicants for advertised vacancies (Mathis and Jackson, 2008, P.454). Socio-cultural context Population trends are a key driver of the social sphere. This is demonstrated in the counter-cyclical shifts, in population trends. UK and other parts of the globe are registering increasing population growth. However, eastern and western Europe is registering low birth rates. United Kingdom in particular and Europe in general experience numbers of mi grants, resulting in an increase in the size of the prospective labor force. Moreover, migrants also form a considerable portion of consumers for the country’s goods and services. Kandula (2007, p 59) notes that the high number of the aging citizens marks a loss in the pool of knowledge, skills and capabilities. The reason is that elderly people have so much knowledge from the organization, and their retirement and departure from the workforce creates a significant gap in organizations. Kandula further notes that elderly people have a vast number of needs and special services. For illustration, elderly people require welfare benefits and caregivers, which is extra consumption for the country. United Kingdom is also registering high an increasing gap between the affluent and the poor. This results in the rise of socio-economic disparity that creates an increase in asset prices. Cascio and Boudreau (2012, P.51) note that socio-economic developments influence organizations human resources in one way or the other, particularly through the supply and demand for labor and consumption goods. Other social trends are such as rising divorce rates and rising numbers of single parents, drug use and changing roots of social individuality. The effect of these trends results in solo-living among people of all ages. Reduced interest in social conformity, vanity and individual

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Personal Statement to Win a Scholarship Essay Example for Free

Personal Statement to Win a Scholarship Essay An experienced and fully qualified registered nurse who is efficient, thorough and passionate about delivering the best levels of care to patients. I possesses extensive healthcare experience in a wide range of key nursing fields and has the required physical, mental and emotional strength to stand up to the rigours of this demanding profession. Able to work autonomously and has vast knowledge of using the latest state of the art medical equipment to treat, observe and record the conditions of patients. As a driven individual who wants to progress she is now looking for a suitable nursing position with a reputable, exciting and modern healthcare provider. See more: how to write a scholarship essay Employment History Emena Hospital Assistant Superviser Sept 2011- current Duties Caring for patients who are suffering from acute and long-term illnesses and diseases. Administering drugs, medication and injections to patients. Treating patients with respect and dignity, and giving attention to individual needs and wishes. Kj Prioritising workloads and allocating patients appropriately. Maintaining high clinical standards and high levels of quality care delivery Providing information, emotional support and reassurance to patients and relatives. Nursing Skills Implementing and participating in vaccination and immunisation programmes for both adults and children. Taking patient samples, pulses, temperatures and blood pressures. Experience of Chronic Disease management i.e. diabetes and asthma, etc. Responding calmly to emergency situations. Reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of nursing interventions. Organising junior staff and prioritising busy workloads. Able to liaise with social services and other care agencies. Preparing beds, rooms, sterilising instruments, equipment and supplies, and ensuring that an essential stock of supplies is maintained.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Simon Armitage And Carol Ann Duffy English Literature Essay

Simon Armitage And Carol Ann Duffy English Literature Essay This paper will deal about the Poetry of the Twentieth Century. Especially it deals about Simon Armitage and Carol Ann Duffy. The first part deals about their biographies. The second part talks about the setting of their works, a description of the era when they start working and descriptions of the main aspects of those years. In the third part of this paper there is an analysis of the style that they used in their works. Then there is an analysis of some of their poems. And in the last part as a conclusion you can find my opinions about the topic. Biographies: In this section the biography of the two of them are presented. First there is the biography of Simon Armitage and then the biography of Carol Ann Duffy. Simon Armitage: Simon Armitage was born in 1963. He was born in the village of Marsden and nowadays he lives in West Yorkshire, in England. He is a graduate in Geography at Portsmouth University and also he studied social work in the University of Manchester. In this university he also made his thesis that talked about the effects of the violence in television. He had a job as Probation Officer in the Greater Manchester until 1994. After he published his mayor works he published some limited edition pamphlets. In these pamphlets we can find, for example: Human Geography, The Distance Between Stars, The Walking Horses, Around Robinson, and Suitcase, etc. Simon Armitage was a teacher in the University of Leeds and in the University of Lowas Writers Workshop. Nowadays he is a senior lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University. And he is also an Artist in Residence at Londons South Bank. He is Vice President of the Poetry Society. Talking about his works, he had poems, novels, radio and television works, etc. Within his poetry works we can find: Zoom! (1989), Xanadu (1992), Kid (1992), Book of Matches (1993), The Dead Sea Poems (1995), Moon Country (1996), CloudCuckooLand (1997), Killing Time (1999), Selected Poems (2001), Travelling Songs (2002), The Universal Home Doctor (2002), Tyrannosaurus Rex Versus the Corduroy Kid (2006) and Seeing Stars (2010). He has two novels: the first of them was published in 2001 and its name is Little Green Man, the second novel is The White Stuff published in 2004. He has other type of works: he writes for radio, television and film, and he is also the author of four stage plays. Carol Ann Duffy Carol Ann Duffy was born in 1955, in Glasgow, Scotland. She had four brothers. She went to St. Austin Roman Catholic Primary School, St. Josephs Convent School and Stafford Girls High School. She attended to the University of Liverpool, where she studied Philosophy. She also had a work as a freelance writer in London. She has a daughter in common with her husband, the novelist Jackie Kay, whose name is Ella. Since 2002 she is a teacher of Creative Writing in the University of Manchester, where she lives nowadays. Her works can be divided into: adult poetry collections, books for children, anthologies and plays. Within her collections of adult poetry we can find: Standing Female Nude (1985), Selling Manhattan (1987), The Other Country (1990), Mean Time (1993), The Worlds Wife (1999); Feminine Gospels (2002), and Rapture (2005). Her poems for children are collected in New Collected Poems for  Children (2009).  She also has picture books for children as: Underwater Farmyard (2002), Doris the Giant (2004), Moon Zoo (2005),  The Tear Thief (2007), and The Princesss Blankets (2009). The anthologies that were edited by Carol Ann were: Out of Fashion (2004), Answering Back (2007), and To The Moon: An Anthology of Lunar Poems (2009). She wrote four plays: Take My Husband (1982), Cavern of Dreams (1984), Little Women, Big Boys (1986) and Loss (1986). Setting These two authors stated writing more or less at the same time, in the latest eighties. The life in the Eighties in Britain as Malcolm Bradbury (1994) said: it was a time of many reappraisals and restructurings, and of rising doubts, dark prophecies and apocalyptic feelings among a good many of its artist and intellectuals. In history terms, it can be said that some important facts occurred in these years. This summary starts one year after that the first work by Carol Ann Duffy was published. 1984: Strike of the Coal Miners. Trade Union Act. The British Telecom became private. 1985: Anglo-Irish Agreement: an agreement between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. 1986: Riots (disturbances) in Brixton or Lambeth. The London Stock Exchange was deregulated. Also in this year the British Gas became private. 1987: Single European Act (the revision of the Treaty of Rome, 1957). The British Airways were privatized. 1988: Alliance between the SDP and the liberal party. 1989: Opening of Berlin Wall. Release of Guildford-Four. Talking about the characteristics of the poetry in the Eighties and some special features of these two authors it can be said that: The poetry of nowadays present various ethnicities, cultures or nationalities. It moved from a nationalist poetry to a more international one. It also changes from a centralist, male and academic practice poetry to a cultural entertainment for all the people and multicultural one. Old themes change to religious, cultural, sexual and ideological pluralism. We can also find the concerns of minorities, sexual orientation, origin, gender or language. Randall Stevenson (2004: 212) said that: In Poet for Our Times (1990) Carol Ann Duffy defined headlines, in 1980s, as the poems of the decade- a bottom line of art sometimes used sensationally by her contemporaries to incorporate into poetry the immediate reality of the urban life The traditional language used in the United Kingdom turned into new ways of writing, for example, the use of dialects as Gaelic or new grammar rules. New lexical items and words like languages of ancient colonies of Britain or different slang words are included in the poems of the contemporary poetry. In the poetry of the late century we can find language disruption, formal adventure and challenges to conventional facts. New types of poetry appear: national poetry, womens poetry or multicultural poetry are common in this period. Womens poetry became more popular at the end of the 1970s. The topics of the womens poetry (Randall Stevenson, 2004: 222) are: day- to-day experience, and womens feelings about experiences [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] work, friendship, family relationship, abortion, childbirth and sexual relationships- heterosexual and lesbian The black poetry became more popular because of the fact that black immigrants came to England and wrote their poems there. Poetry became a way of entertainment, it can be found in theatres, pubs or bars. It turns to an art only for few people to a popular art. This can be the consequence of the expansion of the publishing houses from London to many cities through England. The poetry of the late twentieth century and the twenty-first century it is more focused to be an international poetry. Style In this section the style of both authors is going to be analyzed. First of all there are features that are characteristic in both authors; this is because they belong to the same period. Then there are specific features of each of them. The used to write about issues that are relevant to todays society. They write about past experiences or characters of other lifestyles to explore them. Both of them give thoughts and feelings that we might experiences once or themes that are relevant to everybody. Talking about the structure and the style of the poems it can be said that: They have different types of poems with different structures as: narrative poems, sonnets, structured verse or free verse. Within the style, and specifically language, we can find that they use a colloquial language, but within this simple language there are complex ideas. Some examples of languages techniques that they used are: alliteration, onomatopoeia, repetition, etc. The language that they used is crucial for people to understand their works. Simon Armitage Additionally to the common characteristics, Simon Armitage has more specific characteristics. He belongs to the New Generation and as Randall Stevenson (2004: 229) quote from the Penguin Book of the Contemporary British Poetry (1982) they are distinguished by accessibility, democracy and responsiveness and by reaffirmation of the arts significance as public utterance (p.16). Armitages poems make an exploration of relationships and the impact that they have on the life of people. In his poems we can find references about North England or Yorkshire dialect. His works must be interpreted on a personal level by the reader. Ian Hamilton (1992 :16) Armitages poems are both firmly grounded in place and wide in their imaginative, emotional and technical range, moving easily between anecdote, larger narrative, art and politics Carol Ann Duffy Duffys poems reflect depressed or disturbed members of society. These characters are resent with the world in which they live. Her themes are children, women, love, etc; and she uses the point of view of a persona. These personae that she creates are usually isolated people who feel shut out from society. Although she is a woman she doesnt use the typical features of womens writing. She is less innovative than her male contemporaries and use oddly paratactic rhythms Ian Hamilton (1992: 137) says that: [] Duffy aims her poetic fire at obvious victims, easy targets, but her best work combines lyric intensity with plain-speaking Analysis. In this section you can find three poems of each author and their analysis. First you can find the poems by Simon Armitage and then the poems by Carol Ann Duffy. November (by Simon Armitage) We walk to the ward from the badly parked car with your grandma taking four short steps to our two We have brought her here to die and we know it. You check her towel, soap and family trinkets, pare her nails. Parcel her in the rough blankets and she sinks down into her incontinence. It is time John. In their pasty bloodless smiles, in their slack breasts, their stunned brains and their baldness, and in us John: we are almost these monsters Youre shattered. You give me the keys and I drive through the twilight zone, past the famous station to your house, to numb ourselves with alcohol. Inside, we feel the terror of the dusk begin. Outside we watch the evening, failing again, and we let it happen. We can say nothing. Sometimes the sun spangles and we feel alive One thing we have to get, John, is out of this life. Form: The poem is divided in five three lines stanzas and in the last part of the poem there is a couplet which give the impression that the poem is not finished or that have a sudden end. The eleven lines have a regular rhythm. Symbols: In my opinion the title of the poem, November has a symbolic meaning. I think that because it is the penultimate it can refers to the end of the year and maybe to the end of the life, maybe it refers to the third age, when people are older. Also the night can have the same meaning as the title. In the third stanza we can find that Armitage describes the old people as if they were monsters. In the last part of the poem the poet dont end the poem with a conclusion maybe he want the readers to reflect about the poem and the topic that it deals about, or he wants to represent the surprise of death. Language: The poem is narrated in first person but with a reference to a person called John. Simon Armitage use words that include the reader in the poem and present a situation that we all will face someday. He uses pronouns as we, you, her or their, and that could have the function of include the reader in the poem. Themes: The themes of this poem are the relationship with the family and also the inevitable passing of time. Kid (by Simon Armitage) Batman, big shot, when you gave the order to grow up, then let me loose to wander leeward, freely through the wild blue yonder as you liked to say, or ditched me, rather in the gutter . . . well, I turned the corner. Now Ive scotched that he was like a father to me rumour, sacked it, blown the cover on that he was like an elder brother story, let the cat out on that caper with the married woman, how you took her downtown on expenses in the motor. Holy robin-redbreast-nest-egg-shocker! Holy roll-me-over-in-the-clover, Im not playing ball boy any longer Batman, now Ive doffed that off-the-shoulder Sherwood-Forest-green and scarlet number for a pair of jeans and crew neck jumper; now Im taller, harder, stronger, older. Batman, it makes a marvellous picture; you without a shadow, stewing over chicken giblets in the pressure cooker, next to nothing in the walk-in larder, punching the palm of your hand all winter, you baby, now Im a real boy wonder. Poems background: In this poem Armitage talks about Batman, that is a comic hero who was popular in TV and films. The poem shows a battle of Batman and his criminal of Gotham City. Form: The poem has a ten syllable lines and all of them end with the sound -er. The language used can remember the language of television shows and also it has some sense of humor. Symbols: The symbol that I find in the poem is that Armitage make a joke about Batman and I think that this means that super heroes are not perfect and also have their bad days, or maybe that super heroes dont exist. Language: The language in the poem is idiomatic and also it has expressions of Batman. This type of language is sometimes used to reflect a ridiculous expression. Themes: In my opinion the main theme of the poem is the growing and the independence. The other theme that I found is that our imagination or our perfect believes are not true. When we are kids we think that the super heroes exist but then when we grow up we realized that it wasnt true. He also do humorous commentaries about famous people. Homecoming (by Simon Armitage) Think, two things on their own and both at once. The first, that exercise in trust, where those in front stand with their rams spread wide and free-fall backwards, blind and those behind take all the weight. The second, one canary-yellow cotton jacket on a cloakroom floor, uncoupled from its hook, becoming scuffed and blackened underfoot. Back home the very model of a model of a mother, yours, puts two and two together, makes a proper fist of it and points the finger. Temper, temper. Question in the house. You seeing red. Blue murder. Bed. Then midnight when you slip the latch and sneak no further than the call-box at the corner of the street; Im waiting by the phone, although it doesnt ring because its sixteen years or so before well meet. Retrace that walk towards the garden gate; in silhouette a father figure waits there, wants to set things straight. These ribs are pleats or seams. These arms are sleeves. These fingertips are buttons, or these hands can fold into a clasp, or else these fingers make a zip or buckle, you say which. Step backwards into it and try the same canary-yellow cotton jacket, there like this, for size again. It still fits. Form: The structure of this poem is simple and regular but in my opinion is difficult to understand. It is divided in four stanzas of different lengths but almost all have the same rhythm. Symbols: Maybe the yellow jacket can represent the past and how easy is to remember it. Also it can mean that the past is always in our mind or that it is easy to have in mind our past memories. Language: The language that Armitage uses is easy, simple and familiar, and sometimes idiomatic. It also has a change of time there is a change between the past and the present for example in stanza three. He also use poetry features as alliteration, assonance or different types of rhythm Themes: In this poem is more difficult to understand the theme that Armitage talks about. There is not a clear message. The theme that I find is the concept of time and memory. The poem shows how someone remembers his/her past, and in the last part of the poem brings it to their present life with the example of the jacket. Other theme that could be found in this poem is the relationships between family and how a new life can change them. Havisham (by Carol Ann Duffy) Beloved sweetheart bastard. Not a day since then I havent wished him dead. Prayed for it so hard Ive dark green pebbles for eyes, ropes on the back of my hands I could strangle with. Spinster. I stink and remember. Whole days in bed cawing Nooooo at the wall; the dress yellowing, trembling if I open the wardrobe; the slewed mirror, full length , her, myself, who did this to me? Puce curses that are sounds not words. Some nights better, the lost body over me, my fluent tongue in its mouth in its ear then down till I suddenly bite awake. Loves hate behind a white veil; a red balloon bursting in my face. Bang. I stabbed at a wedding-cake. Give me a male corpse for a long slow honeymoon. Dont think its only the heart that b-b-b-breaks. Form: The poem is divided in four stanzas with four lines each of them. The poem doesnt have a rhyme or a regular metre. Symbol: The colors are important symbols in this poem, for example, the white reflects the wedding dress or the red the betrayal. As I said before the poem hasnt a regular metre and it can be related to the instability of the personality of the character. Language: Carol Ann Duffy writes in first person. She uses questions and exclamations and gives diversity to the lines. In the poem we can also find alliteration, for example in the last line of the poem the B. The first lines are written to make an emphasis on her frustration and also her anger. Themes: The poem talks about the betrayal or jealousy and also the damage that this can make in a relationship. The protagonist, Miss Havisham, get insane because of the betrayal. All the feelings and thoughts of Miss Havisham are presented in the poem. Anne Hathaway (by Carol Ann Duffy) Item I gyve unto my wife my second best bedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (from Shakespeares will) The bed we loved in was a spinning world of forests, castles, torchlight, clifftops, seas where he would dive for pearls. My lovers words were shooting stars which fell to earth as kisses on these lips; my body now a softer rhyme to his, now echo, assonance; his touch a verb dancing in the centre of a noun. Some nights, I dreamed hed written me, the bed a page beneath his writers hands. Romance and drama played by touch, by scent, by taste. In the other bed, the best, our guests dozed on, dribbling their prose. My living laughing love I hold him in the casket of my widows head as he held me upon that next bed. Background to the poem: The title of this poem refers to the wife of Shakespeare. Form: The poem is a rhyming sonnet which has fourteen lines. In my opinion she tried to follow the poem with other ending or other explanation. Symbols: Carol Ann Duffy try to rewrite a sonnet by Shakespeare but in the way his wife would do it, so she doesnt follow the rules of Shakespeares works, maybe because she wants to refer that Anne Hatheway wasnt as good as him writing poems. Language: The language that Carol Ann Duffy uses is related to things about Shakespeare. It is written in first person and with the voice of a woman. She uses different literary resources as alliteration (in line twelve) or metaphor in line fifteen, that means that she keep him in her thoughts. Themes and links: The poem is a sonnet that talks about love (sonnets normally do so) and the absence of someone that she loved, in this case Shakespeare. It is related with Shakespeares Sonnet 130 We Remember Your Childhood Well (by Carol Ann Duffy) Nobody hurt you. Nobody turned off the light and argued with somebody else all night. The bad man on the moors was only a movie you saw. Nobody locked the door. Your questions were answered fully. No. That didnt occur. You couldnt sing anyway, cared less. The moments a blur, a Film Fun laughing itself to death in the coal fire. Anyones guess. Nobody forced you. You wanted to go that day. Begged. You chose the dress. Here are the pictures, look at you. Look at us all, smiling and waving, younger. The whole thing is inside your head. What you recall are impressions; we have the facts. We called the tune. The secret police of your childhood were older and wiser than you, bigger than you. Call back the sound of their voices. Boom. Boom. Boom. Nobody sent you away. That was an extra holiday, with people you seemed to like. They were firm, there was nothing to fear. There was none but yourself to blame if it ended in tears. What does it matter now? No, no, nobody left the skidmarks of sin on your soul and laid you wide open for Hell. You were loved. Always. We did what was best. We remember your childhood well. Form: The structure of this poem is six stanzas with three lines each of them. It has rhyme and half rhyme. In the structure I have found that the title is repeated at the end of the poem like an ending of the theme. Symbols: I think that the repetition of the title in the last line of the poem is like an ending of the memory, maybe like if the person doesnt want to remember it anymore. Language: It is a simple language and sometimes repetitive. The negative form is compressed. The language that she uses (you, yourself, etc) makes me think of it as a unilateral conversation, there is no one in the other side. Themes: It talks about the abuses in the relationship of an adult and a child and how the memories can be remember in different ways and they are not always true. Conclusion In this part of the paper Im going to give a brief conclusion about the authors but mainly about the poems and their style. As you can see this two authors are late authors of the twenty century so they are closed to our society because they live in our society (both of them are still alive and with not too many years). Thanks to this fact I think that the poems that they wrote are related more or less with our nowadays society, for example, the last poem by Carol Ann Duffy refers to a theme that unfortunately is occurring nowadays, the children abuse. Talking about their style and the way that they write I can say that the vast majority of their poems are easy to read because they have a simple language and also because they are related to topics that are known for all of us. I think that the majority of their poems are quite simple and what we read is what the author wants to say. Bibliographical references Books: Stevenson, R. The Oxford English Literary History. Volume 12: 1960-2000: The last of England? Oxford University Press, United States, 2006 Hamilton, I. The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-century Poetry in English. Oxford University Press, United States, 1996. Bradbury, M. The modern British novel. Penguin Books, London, 1994 Medina Casado, C. Poetas ingleses del siglo XX. Sà ­ntesis, Madrid, 2007 Electronic sources: Contemporary Writers British Council. Carol Ann Duffy (20 November, 2010): http://www.contemporarywriters.com/authors/?p=auth104 Contemporary Writers British Council. Simon Armitage. (20 November, 2010): http://www.contemporarywriters.com/authors/?p=auth165 Simon Armitages Website (20 November, 2010): Home

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Use of Form and Rhythm in William Carlos Williamss poem, The Dance

The Use of Form and Rhythm in William Carlos Williams’s poem,â€Å"The Dance†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In William Carlos Williams’s poem, â€Å"The Dance†, Williams uses the inspiration of a painting by Peter Breughel to shape his poem. Peter Breughel’s painting called â€Å"The Kermess† depicts a peasant dance of the mid fifteenth century. It shows the form and rhythm of the dance. Williams also captures the form and the rhythm of this dance in his poem. In William Carlos Williams poem, â€Å"The Dance† the open form, suggested images, and rhythm embodies the dance depicted in the painting â€Å"The Kermess† by Peter Breughel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Breughel’s painting, â€Å"The Kermess†, all of the people that are dancing, do so around and around each other. The opening of Williams’s poem establishes the rhythm of the entire poem. In lines two and three, â€Å"the dancers go round, they go round and around†(Kennedy 234), Williams establishes a bouncing and circular motion in the poem. This bouncing and circular motion is also emphasized by the absence of line stops in the entire poem (Diggory 156). Every line continues to the next giving the poem the feeling of a circular motion. The open form of the poem helps to continue the bouncing rhythm throughout Williams’s entire work.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Williams continues to establish a rhythm by mentioning musical instruments. The peasants dance to â€Å"the squeal and the blare and the tweedle of bagpipes, a bugle and fiddles†(Kennedy 234). This alludes to the bagpipe player keeping the beat of the dance f...

Mad Cowboy Essay -- social issues

Mad Cowboy â€Å"Even if animal testing produced the cure for Aids, we’d be against it† This rhetoric notion was stated by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and summarizes the fanatical doctrine animal rights activists preach to their followings. These activists preach a doctrine of hate calling for the end of all meat eating, wearing of fur, use of animals in experiments regardless if they are beneficial or not, and even push for the end of all pets as we know of it. Howard Lyman author of â€Å"Mad Cowboy† has not only aligns himself with this rambunctious group of man haters, but supports their nazi like doctrine in his book. On further review of mad cowboy one must dig deep to find any useful knowledge, and when you do find it, one sees that the knowledge has been twisted to fit Lyman’s own agenda. Long dead are the days when knowledge was first gathered then conclusions derived, now statistics and data is twisted and molded to grant validity to ones own agenda. I will first show the lack of validity and soundness to Howard’s claim that A) a vegan lifestyle is a healthier choice and B) his claim that one must switch to that lifestyle to enjoy these said benefits. To the claim made in A, Howard uses his own health problems he endured on his meat diet, and uses it as a constant variable comparing it to his now relative healthy lifestyle as a vegan. On first glance anyone who eats a calorie-laden, unbalanced diet and ends up weighing 300 pounds, as Lyman himself admitted, will have health problems regardless of his orientation to meat or vegetables. With this said his comparing analogy is inertly flawed and must be disregarded from the argument he presents. On march 8 before the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, Mary K Young, MS.,R.D,NCBA Director of Nutrition Research and Information, presented the benefits of eating meat. Using Data from the 1995 USDA Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSI) she confirms that red mea t enhances one overall diet quality. Young goes on to point out that red meat is the number one source for protein, B12, and zinc, number 2 source for B6 and third greatest source for iron, niacin and potassium. She also pointed out that red meat alone has the greatest concentrates of iron and zinc together. Also included cited in Young’s report was the research recently published in the Journal of the American... ...tempt to diffuse violence. To even state that mans use of animals is immoral, and to claim that we have no right over our lives and must sacrifice our welfare for the sake of beings that cannot even think or grasp the concept of morality is ridicules. We would be elevating amoral animals to a moral level that is higher than our own, thus granting animals rights is not only fictional but wrong. In the words of Mat Block â€Å"Cows or cats would eat us to if they had a chance. Do not mistake a cats respect for one that is dominate for love, they are killers plain and simple and if you do not believe me ask their friends the birds† In conclusion one can see that their convictions closes their eyes to the facts present. I find a little humor that the first nation to grant animals rights was Nazi Germany, showing that animal right activist and Nazis have more in common than their fanatical approach to their ideals. The problem with Lyman and all the rest is their lack of empathy for others approach. There are numerous animal groups who respect others opinions and are not radical at all. But when you state that there is only one way in life and that way is your own, you have a problem.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Why Hybrid Cars Should Not Be Purchased Essay -- Automobiles

As the gas price is rising up to 140 cents per litre in Canada, many people switch their vehicle to gasoline-electric hybrid car to gain savings from the better fuel efficiency. Many potential consumers for hybrid vehicle and hybrid vehicle owners think that the hybrid system is worth the extra penny due to better fuel economy. However, the realistic is that it has higher maintenance despite of its outstanding fuel economy figures. In fact, the hybrids cause more environmental damage than conventional petro powered vehicles and there are better alternatives. Therefore, hybrids should not be on consumers’ shopping list due to a numerous negative facts that consumers are unaware of. Many Automobile manufactures want consumers to believe that hybrids are cheaper to maintain despite of its higher MSRP or Manufacture’s Suggested Retail Price. Therefore, many people assume hybrids pay off at every pump at gas station which eventually will cover the higher purchase price. However, that is not the case. As a comparison, Toyota Camry LE has base price of $23,700 whereas Hybrid is $3300 more expensive than base Camry to get all the hybrid technology. According to Edmunds.com, there will be a difference in ownership cost after four years of purchase for hybrid vehicles. Therefore, leasing consumer would lose money which they believe they gain back. Also, if the comparison is between two luxury sedans such as Lexus LS 460 and LS 600h, it would take it would take 102.6 years to make up the difference (HowStuffWorks). Also in long run, which most of the Canadians choose to do with their car, the nickel hydride battery pack will have to be replaced. Although, many man ufactures offer 160,000km or 8 years for hybrid components warranty (Toyota.ca... ..., Kristen. "HowStuffWorks "5 Reasons Not to Buy a Hybrid"."HowStuffWorks "Auto". N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2012. . 2. Reed, Phillip. "True Cost to Own (TCO) Calculator on Edmunds.com."New Cars, Used Cars, Car Reviews and Pricing - Edmunds.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2012. . 3. "TOYOTA CANADA: Camry Hybrid > Warranty ." TOYOTA CANADA: TOYOTA.CA LANGUAGE. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2012. 4. " Lexus.ca - Language Page / Page de langue." Lexus.ca - Language Page / Page de langue. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2012. . 5. "Honda." Honda. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2012. . 6. "Does a Prius Consume More Energy than a Hummer?." Does a Prius Consume More Energy than a Hummer?. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2012. Why Hybrid Cars Should Not Be Purchased Essay -- Automobiles As the gas price is rising up to 140 cents per litre in Canada, many people switch their vehicle to gasoline-electric hybrid car to gain savings from the better fuel efficiency. Many potential consumers for hybrid vehicle and hybrid vehicle owners think that the hybrid system is worth the extra penny due to better fuel economy. However, the realistic is that it has higher maintenance despite of its outstanding fuel economy figures. In fact, the hybrids cause more environmental damage than conventional petro powered vehicles and there are better alternatives. Therefore, hybrids should not be on consumers’ shopping list due to a numerous negative facts that consumers are unaware of. Many Automobile manufactures want consumers to believe that hybrids are cheaper to maintain despite of its higher MSRP or Manufacture’s Suggested Retail Price. Therefore, many people assume hybrids pay off at every pump at gas station which eventually will cover the higher purchase price. However, that is not the case. As a comparison, Toyota Camry LE has base price of $23,700 whereas Hybrid is $3300 more expensive than base Camry to get all the hybrid technology. According to Edmunds.com, there will be a difference in ownership cost after four years of purchase for hybrid vehicles. Therefore, leasing consumer would lose money which they believe they gain back. Also, if the comparison is between two luxury sedans such as Lexus LS 460 and LS 600h, it would take it would take 102.6 years to make up the difference (HowStuffWorks). Also in long run, which most of the Canadians choose to do with their car, the nickel hydride battery pack will have to be replaced. Although, many man ufactures offer 160,000km or 8 years for hybrid components warranty (Toyota.ca... ..., Kristen. "HowStuffWorks "5 Reasons Not to Buy a Hybrid"."HowStuffWorks "Auto". N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2012. . 2. Reed, Phillip. "True Cost to Own (TCO) Calculator on Edmunds.com."New Cars, Used Cars, Car Reviews and Pricing - Edmunds.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2012. . 3. "TOYOTA CANADA: Camry Hybrid > Warranty ." TOYOTA CANADA: TOYOTA.CA LANGUAGE. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2012. 4. " Lexus.ca - Language Page / Page de langue." Lexus.ca - Language Page / Page de langue. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2012. . 5. "Honda." Honda. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2012. . 6. "Does a Prius Consume More Energy than a Hummer?." Does a Prius Consume More Energy than a Hummer?. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2012.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Large technology based corporation

1) Why carly didn’t come sooner to discuss project delay Carly knew she was the problem because she caused the delay by not delegating the project work to Morris and other team members. She wanted Morris and other team member to be blamed for non-performance. She wanted things to worsen so that other members can be sucked for he feared that they were more experienced than him. He mistreated them so that they can give up and quit the job. 2) Carly hasn’t had a conversation with Morris or vice versa about their differences This is because they lacked the skills of a good communicator. They did not have the ability to communicate to people at all levels. There was no clear communication about their responsibility, how they are supposed to perfom, goals and their expectations. Carly viewed Morris as her rival. She was negative about Morris and could not accept him. Carly thought Morris would contradict with her and disagree with her. She is feeling inferior to Morris because Morris had a higher level of degree than her. How they should respond They should be open to each other, negotiate effectively and persuade each other to ensure that success is achieved. This will support both individual and achievement of the team by getting guidelines on how to accomplish the results. They should get to understand one another and know where they contradict and accept one another the way he or she is. 3) Biggest problem with the way these team members interact They lack team building skills because they lack substances that hold the team together which is unity and cooperation to achieve common objective. They do not understand the process of transformation required to progress from being strangers to each other to being a single unit which is cohesive. There are no leadership styles to be used at each stage of developing the team. They lack understanding of each team player and how each of them can be used at the proper time to solve problem once it arise. What they could do to remedy the problem They should understand one another’s strengths and weaknesses and try to cope with them instead of avoiding each other. They should be ready to accept correction once they do a mistake knowing or not knowing. They should take advice given by those in higher authority and follow the instructions given to them. Problems should be shared once they arise and look for solutions together. Cooperation between team members should be emphasized and also unity in order to strengthen the team. 4) Should carly continue to serve as project manager? I think carly should not continue to serve as a project manager because she lacks the ability to delegate task, she is notable to check and control the project. She does not allow Morris and other team members to participate in the project in order to complete it. She is not delegating the work and at the same time not able to complete it by herself. Carly lacked leadership competence because she is not able to lead others successfully, she has not won any track record and has no ability to inspire team members, challenge or encourage them to put more effort in their job. For these reason, the post of the project manager should be given to another person who is experienced and committed to his job. 5) How I would begin to address this situation I would call carly, Morris and the team members together, listen to their problems and discuss the solutions together. Plan to remedy this problem Team building skills – the team should come together to achieve the objective of the corporation. The main objective would be to complete the project at the set time and strive to meet the deadline on when all the activities should be completed. Transformation – the team should understand each other, know their abilities and talents and know how each of them contributes to the sucess of the corporation. They should come up together and build a unit that utilizes all its ability to be successful. Leadership styles – the manager should know how to lead the team and offer advice where necessary. She should be listened to and his decision should be final even after conversation with the team members. The leader should have the ability to make wise decisions that will not mislead other team members. Understanding – they should know how each team member can be resourceful and know his contribution in solving problems. OUTLINE OF A PLAN FOR GETTING THE PROJECT BACK ON TRACK FOR JANUARY L RELEASE Introduction Key methods of preventing the failure of the project Beginning the project in the right way Prevent all the problems before you begin Finalize what is required of you  Agree on the scope of the project  organizing project to avoid problems  Know all the steps in planning  Finalize the objectives of the project  Get all the required resources and keep then  Know the duration taken to finish the project  Emphasize on preventing the problem rather than reaction  Get a realistic plan  Finalize on how to manage the project  Develop final plan of management and ensure it is approved  getting work done  Always stay focused and avoid time wasting. Ask questions to know how the project is going on  Know performance and how the project is doing  Retain corporation by use of rewards and building team  Update the plan to make sure the project always stays on track  proving your success  Confirm that the job is done to the requirements  Be signed off formerly by the manager  Celebrate success of the project REFERENCE Lewis James; Fundamentals of Project Management; Amacom Division Mgt,2002                     

Monday, September 16, 2019

Touchstone anthology of contemporary creative nonfiction Essay

Comparative essay assignment Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"In the Trenches† written by Charles Yale Harrison and â€Å"This Is Not Who We Are† written by Naomi Shihab are two different pieces of work which outline almost the same message. The analysis of these two stories differs in various ways such as application of styles, themes and imagery as articulated in each of the writings. Both contexts give a description about the occurrence of wars in the twentieth century in America but in different parts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the trenches which are written by Canadian writer Charles Yale Harrison is a story about the Canadian war which starts in Monreal, a place where an unidentified soldier who is twenty years old is together with Canadian soldiers formulating to set up the Germans in Belgium and France. In this writing, a horrifying and realistic portrayal is described in an antiwar statement. This story is expressed from the first person point of opinion of a soldier who is in a trench. The writer begins the story by describing his close relationship with his fellow soldiers; Anderson, Brown, Broadbent and Cleary and then shifts to the scenes of the infamous World War 1 trenches whereby the conditions are filthy and the soldiers are continually exposed to the flesh-looting rainfalls, lice and huge rats (Harrison, 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, Naomi Shihab, Arab-American poet is the writer of â€Å"This is not who we are† which is almost similar to the â€Å"in the trenches† although the writer of this story depict it in form of a poem. This story begins with the writer’s personal life who seek relative safety in the American southwest which is a place torn by war. She describes her marital and emotional connection to Palestine since this is her ancestral homeland. The writer offers evidence of life in safer environment which she feels the disgrace of being an Arab in America at a time when every Arab is considered suspect, including her (Nye, 1997). Nevertheless, the introduction of these two stories brings a perspective on what the entire story is all about. The ideas between the two stories are presented in a different way depending on the kind of structure and form of each author. Therefore both contain different or similar themes, styles and li terary devices in delivering the message which the author wants to communicate. Styles   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Both stories have employed styles in communicating the message to the targeted audience in form of simile, metaphor, personification and imagery. Similes is the main style applied in both contexts, Naomi Shihab, the writer of â€Å"This is not who we are† begins by describing Arab-American skillful violinist as a stylish man who dresses decorous black suits and white shirts and plays like an angel. The writer adds that she wish for world symbols rather than the expensive American vehicles which wear American flags like hula skirts. This shows how she wished that the war could end rather than being prosperous and rich in a violent land. Moreover, the writer proceeds to describe the world that she wished to be and there is application of another simile when she states that she can â€Å"treasure the welcoming world of women†¦, smiling, nurturing, fixing, tending and wrapping language around one another like a warm cloak†. Similarly, Charles Yale Harrison has also applied similes in his writing when he was in the trench and states that he seen the whole army of wire posts beginning to move like a silent host towards him (Harrison, 2002). As the condition of war worsens, the writer depicts the boys who were in firing-step saying that they were like dead men.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition, as the soldiers struggles in the dirt trench to save their lives, the writer applies simile by stating that they try to hideaway into the ground like frightened rats. However, Charles Yale Harrison describes the red-tailed comets which were sent by the Germans as looking pretty like the fireworks they have left in Monreal adding that the sky is lit by hundreds of extravagant fireworks like a night carnival which sounds very ironical. During the process of protecting themselves from the explosives, the writer illustrate using a simile stating that the soldiers thrown their faces downward on the bottom of the grovel and trench like savages before that demoniac havoc. The application of similes in these two stories helps the audience to generate a kind of comparison which improves the understanding of what is going on.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, metaphors and imagery has been applied in these two stories. Naomi Shihab (1997) describes the terrorist as men with hard faces who do vicious things. Although the terrorists are Arabs, the writer does not refer them as Arabs since she is one of them and wants to show that all Arabs are not terrorists. The behavior of men with the hard faces causes the writer to defend herself and her people against the idea that she is one of those with hard faces who choose fierceness over words. This demonstration serves a major drive of explaining that blaming all Arabs because of behavior of the few terrorists is unfair. The writer states a story about a gentleman who approaches her; this makes her afraid because she a half Arab thus this makes her to be momentarily tongue-tied but later finds her voice. Correspondingly, Harrison applies much of imagery and metaphors while describing the nature of the trench during war. He states that the tr ench is unsanitary due to the presence of mud, huge rats, flesh-rotting rainfalls and lice (Reid, 2004). The condition of the trench does not keep soldiers comfortable since they struggle to protect themselves from explosives of their enemies yet the place they are hiding is not safe. This story is distressing and upsetting; illuminating the certainties of war through the eyes of a young soldier and the impressions they fragment. Themes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Theme of war is general from both stories since the principal message is about the occurrence of war. This theme develops strongly in â€Å"In the Trenches† written by Charles Yale Harrison, war between his fellow soldiers and the Europeans begins from the first line up to the last line. According to the writer, the war is horrifying and we find a sense of shock at the cruelty of war which alters depression to the soldiers. Charles Yale Harrison’s memoir leads us to wonder about why humans continue to retort to war in response to worldwide clashes while being fully conscious of its ferocity (Williford and Martone, 2007). The writer states how one of his fellow soldier said loudly as they argue that no wonder they are losing the bloody war. Moreover, the writer keeps stating that â€Å"so this is war† in many parts of the story thus depicting that the war is occurring. Conversely, Naomi Shihab describes the theme of war in form of terrorism which is caused by the men with hard faces. She describes his ancestral land as â€Å"a place torn by war†, (Williford &Martone, 51). This can evidently show the presence of war when she was writing this story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, theme of suffering is another theme which has been described in both pieces of writing. Harrison begins describing the theme of suffering by describing how his friend by the name Fry suffers with his feet, as he keeps sliding into holes and creeping out, all the way up. The writer adds that he can hear his friend coughing and panting behind him. In addition the writer states that his nose is bleeding from the force of the detonations (Reid, 2004). Generally, Harrison gives description on how they are affected by the conditions of the trench as they try to protect themselves from the explosives; this brings the theme of suffering plainly. Similarly, Naomi Shihab states that she cannot forget the fate of the people who suffer the daily indignities of surviving in a world at war, of persistent pain caused by the men with hard faces. In addition the writer says that she hold in heart so many distressed individuals because all friends and families of innocent victims affected by war are everywhere. This means that there were many people suffering due to the violence which was happening (Nye, 1997). Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Generally, by comparing the two pieces of writing, I can conclude that they portray the same message but in a different manner and style because both stories focuses heavily on the conceit of war and violence in relation to the society. Harrison brings a clear perspective of the soldiers who were simply unexperienced youths, fighting ineffectively for meaningless ideals. Naomi Shihab brings a general explanation that blaming all Arabs for behavior of the few terrorists is absolute unfair. Both stories shape the future altitudes to war and develop a strong enthusiasm to the audience. References Harrison, C. (2002). Generals die in bed. Toronto: Annick Press. Nye, N. (1997). Habibi. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers. Reid, J. H. (2004). Award-winning films of the 1930s: From Wings to Gone with the wind : the definitive guide. Morrisville, NC: Lulu Press. The Canadian republic magazine. (1929). Montreal: s.n. Williford, L., & Martone, M. (2007). Touchstone anthology of contemporary creative nonfiction. New York: Simon & Schuster. Source document

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Gendering World Politics Essay

Gender analysis of international relations can no longer be considered new. Both in history and political science, scholars of women and gender and foreign relations have carved out what is now robust subfields. In Gender in World Politics, Tickner’s first chapter explores the encounter between feminism and international relations sub-field of political science. She first establishes the debates within each. Feminism has been the subject of a debate between liberal feminism and its rivals, while IR has seen three: science realism versus idealism, realism vs. social. It is in the context of this policy, â€Å"third debate† means the meeting Tickner feminism and infrared. More specifically, feminism is expanding IR agenda on several fronts, including normative theory, historical sociology, critical theory and postmodernism. In this context, Tickner investigates â€Å"Gender Dimensions of War and Peace and Security† in Chapter Two. In the 1990s, feminists began to question â€Å"realistic† outlook on security, most of which have had a top-down, state-centered, the structural approach. Feminists , however, mostly come from the bottom up, starting at the micro level. For example, feminists attacked the premise that wars have been fought to protect women and children, in fact, in his opinion, to the extent that wars tend to generate massive refugee crisis, violations and rampant prostitution, are disproportionately women wild. In Chapter Three, Tickner moves on to the global economy. Here, feminists have joined the debate on globalization, especially questioned the boosterism often seen in the industrialized West. For example, they use gender analysis to reveal the unpleasant realities of home-based labor in the developing world. What multinational corporate managers would call â€Å"flexibility† and â€Å"cost containment,† the overwhelmingly-female workers would see as lower-paying, less-sta ble, and less-regulated labor. Gender perspectives on democratization, state and world order are the focus of chapter four. In contrast to conventional IR, ignorant of democratization, and more recently â€Å"democratic† peace theories, feminism IR-examining the micro level, where democratic transitions can exclude women or even leave them materially worse. Tickner then looks at women and international organizations (both the United Nations and non-governmental organizations) and norms (such as human rights). In the fifth and final chapter, Tickner suggests â€Å"Some Pathways for IR Feminist Futures.† Clearing these routes involves â€Å"knowledge traditions† that, for example, challenge prevailing gender laden dichotomies such as rational / emotional, public / private and global / local. It also includes new methodologies for IR, such as ethnography and discourse analysis. In the end, Tickner IR urges feminists to remain connected to the broader discipline even when they question their basic assumptions. Tickner synthesizes a wide range of recent literature and thus provides us with a solid understanding of the subject. His is not the only introduction to feminist IR but is a very good. Tickner is careful not to claim too much for feminist IR or fire other approaches. It also takes little for granted, holding such basic terms as â€Å"globalization† and even â€Å"gender† to scrutiny. And finally, this is a nuanced work. Tickner presents fairly represents and disagreements among feminists as well as the geographic and methodological. Similarly, captures the dilemmas facing IR feminists. For example, feminists must work within existing state structures or face them from the outside? If based on the state of progress or in the market. If the book has a weakness, it is one of style. . The writing, moreover, is better and more accessible than in many other political science texts. However, I often find difficult to tackle prose. In part, this is a matter of style, writing Tickner most lack color and verve, interesting anecdote or a vivid illustration. And partly it’s a matter of using the political scientist. â€Å"This language is understood by those inside†, as she says Tickner in another context, â€Å"but can seem quite bewildering, and sometimes even alienating to those outside, making communication very difficult transdisciplinary. Again, the language is typical of the field and could be much worse, but the repeated occurrence of terms such as â€Å"epistemological†, â€Å"postpositivist†, â€Å"problematize† and â€Å"privilege†, as verb , tends to swell the sentences and make the book seem longer than it is. In the end, however, a minor weakness, and definitely should not be allowed to deter non-specialists. In addition to the contribution of the book itself feminist IR, this is one of its great virtues brings relevant trends in political science historians who study women and gender and foreign relations. For many historians have discovered that, in the words of Cynthia Enloe fine, â€Å"the personal is international â€Å". This discovery is facilitated and enriched as Tickner helps us to cross the disciplinary divide. J. Ann Tickner, Gender in International Relations: Feminist Perspectives on Achieving Global Security (New York: Columbia University Press, 1992). Cynthia Enloe, Bananas Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Politics (Berkeley and London: University of California Press, 1990) Jan Jindy Pettman, Worlding Women: A Feminist International Politics (London and New York: Routledge, 1996)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Jerry Rice

Have you ever met an athlete with a god given talent for a sport? Or have you ever had to play a sport to go â€Å"pro† and provide for your family? Well Jerry Lee Rice born October 13, 1962 raised in Starkville, Mississippi had a hard childhood; Jerry grew up â€Å"Simon pure†, no street lights, no sidewalks, no sidewalks, no stadium or concerts. As a youngster Jerry saw a lot of poor events in his life but very little of luxury that later became a part of his life.His father, a brick mason built a home for his large family. When money was short, rice helped his father carry bricks and mix mortar. When money was rational, Jerry started to worry about sports. In high school jerry played every position, from quarterback to tackle. The coach started to see that jerry can play at a college level; from there jerry made a promise to a Crawford coach, Archie Cooley, to take a recruiting trip.A graceful, speedy, and nearly unstoppable wide receiver was born. Rice helped put Mi ssissippi State on the map, the caught more than 100 passes in each of his last two seasons. As a senior he had 28 touchdowns receptions. He was so good that since he was 18 years old he has been doubled teamed. After leading state to a 24-6-1 record, Jerry was going down the road of success, Bill Walsh a 49ers coach heard about the amazing and best wide receiver in the, he had to come and talk to him.Walsh came to the 1985 pro football draft determined to win jerry’s services for the 49ers. so sold was the coach on rice that he traded up in order to select the young man sixteenth pick in the first round. Instantaneously Walsh took some heat for the decision, because rice had not proven himself in the high-stakes. Rice’s rookie season had a rocky start. He dropped a record fifteen passes, Rice blamed his early failures on the complex offense that Walsh ran. He simply had to acquire the moves.He said he need to revision, so to the point he could run a play without think about the route, Rice recovered quickly. Even before his first season ended he had set a team record with 241 receiving yards in one game. He was a unanimous choice for the 1985-86, living the dream rice never forgot where he came from he gave back to the community took care of his mom and family and became the role model he wished to be. In one of jerry rice’s quotes he said â€Å"Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t†.